Bucket List - Fight with someone physically

The Bucket List is a list of things I want to do/feel I should do before I die. I've done some of them already, and I'm telling one of those stories here. To see the whole list, click here.
5. Fight with someone physically
The closest I have ever come to a fight was when a skinny rich bitch once tried to kick me in the head.
To be fair, I had slept with her boyfriend.
He wasn’t worth it.
Why didn’t she try to kick HIM in the head?
I think that those of us who are cuckolded would somehow prefer to blame the person our partner was unfaithful WITH, than our partner’s themselves. It’s so much easier to think that the third person somehow used lies, or some kind of evil magic, to tempt our partner away, than to acknowledge that our partner made a choice – and that they chose someone else over us.
I just sat there, numb, wondering why I had been stupid enough not to throw the condom away, instead of leaving it for her to find on my bedside table.
I tend to blame myself for things rather than other people. That particular psychological peccadillo goes back a long way, and I won’t bore you with it. Let’s keep that between me and my therapist.
I didn’t move, or try to retaliate. I sat there thinking about the mistake I had made, and that the Skinny Rich Bitch was behaving like trash.
And now I wish I had hit back at her – just so that I could say I’ve been there. I wish I’d scratched my nails across her face, torn her expensive blouse, pulled her hair and smudged her makeup.
But then, you see, the man in question would have thought that I was fighting for him.
And, as I already said, he wasn’t worth it.
Nowadays, I think I’m too old to fight. Unless I pick on a younger woman who is drunk enough to negate the physical advantage she would have over me in muscle tone and bone density, I’m not likely to have the chance ever again.
Ah well, you can't have everything, can you?
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