He Said She Said - Valentine's Day 2

He was in Europe. He had left Baby Ruth bars hidden round the house for her Valentine's gift, and was texting clues to her every day.
His text: Tonight's clue: what off earth would these 21st century authors have to say out Ruth?
Her text: How many did you hide? I have found 3 already before you sent me clues. But you didn't send me a clue last night and I couldn't find one and I was mighty pissed. Dogs confused as I ransacked house
His text: Which ones did you already find?
Her text: Coffee table, under my red hat, can't remember
His text: When did you eat those?
Her text: While you are on the plane.
His text: Piggy!
Her text: Shut up. You didn't send me a clue yesterday!
His text: I was jetlagged! Sorry!
Her text: I can't find it! I looked behind the Charles Dickens book!
His text: TWENTY FIRST century writers!
Her text: OK I got it! Yum!
His text: Where did you look last night?
Her text: Under all hats, basement, kitchen cupboards, bathroom, your office
His text: LOL!
Her text: Revenge WILL be mine....
The next day...
Her text: Where's my clue for today?
His text: Down in the depths above the sweet apples you'll find honey oaks and Ruths
Her text: What? You didn't bury one in the garden did you?
His text: DOWN!! Not out
Her text: Been to basement. We have no apples
His text: There are no sweet apples of any kind? REALLY???
Her text: No
His text: No honey oats and stuff on the fucking box of canned pineapples?
Her text: I'll look again. You said apples not pineapples
His text: It was cryptic!!!
Her text: I saw Nature's Valley Oats Honey bars, that's all
The phone rang.
"All the women with us in the pub agree that you are being very silly and that I am VERY romantic!" he yelled.
"I found it five minutes ago," she said, chewing. "That was revenge for the night you didn't send me a clue."
"I can't BELIEVE you!" he laughed. He spoke away from the phone: "She was fucking with me. That was revenge for the other night." Laughter echoed in the background.
"I think I like your wife," a female voice said.
"So you told them about that?" she asked.
"Yes. They said jetlag was no excuse."
"I think I like Drew and Deb's friends," she said. Then: "I love you, Baby."
"I love you too, you crazy woman," he said.
"Call me before you go to bed."
"I will! Bye, Honey."
She made kissing noises, and then settled back to enjoy the rest of the candy bar.
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