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Quote Unquote - Cadbury vs. Hersheys





"As you may have noticed, the above suggestions work on the assumption that everything tastes nice when it's swaddled in Dairy Milk chocolate. Which it does. A bloated, over-ripe corpse dredged from a polluted canal would taste nice if it was ­encased in a Dairy Milk shell. If it was coated in Hershey's, you'd find yourself glumly picking the chocolate off to get at the sludgey grey flesh ­beneath. And that's a FACT."

Charlie Brooker, the Guardian Newspaper, UK



Reader Comments (3)

Now there's an image! Yikes! LOL

Personally, I can only eat Hershey's if it's the plain chocolate bar (I'll eat it with or without almonds). I absolutely hate Hershey Kisses (don't know why, they just taste funny to me). Funny thing is, I live less than an hour from Hershey PA. I've seen the manufacturing plant, hung out at the amusement park, and done everything Hershey you can probably imagine. Maybe it's an overexposure to Hershey's chocolate that causes me to dislike it so much? There's no better cure for a mild headache, though! Works faster and longer than any pills you might think about popping. Always keep a plain Hershey bar handy, just to head off a headache. :-)

Now, Cadbuy ... OMG I could eat them until I explode! ESPECIALLY Cadbury Eggs! That creamy center just calls to me. I usually take a small bite, then lick out the cream, then finish with the shell. And I can't have just one. I've tried. It doesn't work.

PS ... I've left a little something for you over on my blog. ;-)

February 1, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterShelli


Loving the blog! And thank you SO MUCH for the blogger award! I am so flattered!

I am also going to check out the other bloggers you listed, because you clearly have good taste! HAHA!

February 2, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterittybittycrazy

Again, you are most welcome! It was well deserved!

I don't know about good taste. Warped mind, yes. ;-)

February 3, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterShelli

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