He Said She Said - Stir Fry

"Thank you for cooking, Honey," he said.
"It's OK," she said. "You're sick."
"Uh, Honey?" he said, from the couch.
"You can't do the laundry at the same time as cooking," he said.
"I'm a woman," she yelped. "We juggle!"
"Honey?" he said.
"This soaking the Pad Thai noodles thing isn't working. I think we need to just boil them."
"OK, I'll do that. Now go lie down and watch TV."
"AARGH!" she yelled.
"What? What?" He ran into the kitchen.
"I spilled water from the noodles pan in the hot oil in the wok," she said.
"Don't do that, Honey," he said.
"Well I didn't do it on purpose!" she snapped. "It was an accident!"
"OK, OK," he said, "I'm leaving the kitchen."
"Um... Honey?" he said.
"What sauce did you use?"
"The one you told me to. General Tsao thingy."
"But there's a lot of liquid..."
"Well, it was burning so I added water."
He resisted saying anything about the juggling laundry thing.
"Honey, it's a stir fry, not SOUP!"
"Oh, shut up!" she said. "I've got it on a simmer, and the water is boiling off."
He stirred the pot.
"NO!" she yelled. "Don't scrape the burnt bits off the bottom! Then we'll have to eat it!"
"OK, but..."
"You see? You see? This is why!"
"This is why what?"
"This is why YOU COOK! Stop being sick!"
"OK, OK, I'll get out of the kitchen..."
"Yes! Go!"
"But before I do..."
"Well? What do you think?" she asked.
"It's very nice, Honey," he said.
"You better rest tomorrow," she said, "because you're cooking!"
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