He Said She Said - The Wrath of Can't Remember

"Honey," he said, "are you OK? You seem a bit quiet."
"Hmmmph!" she said.
"OK," he said, "what's wrong?"
She didn't reply.
"Honey, did I do something?"
"What?" he said, taking on his placatory tone. "What did I do?"
"You did something before dinner. I don't remember what it was, but I know that I'm really pissed off about it."
"Wait," he said. "You don't remember what I did to piss you off?"
"No. But it was very annoying."
"Ohhhhhh kaaaaaay."
There was a pause. She stared at the TV and he stared at her, bemused.
"OK honey," he said. "I'm just going to be over here, on my couch, and we'll watch TV."
Reader Comments (3)
A typical married couple i think :)
Haha! That's so funny, but can be true. women can be so sensitive sometimes.. LOL
Yes, we are a typical married couple. Life would be improved if we had a toilet that was separate to the bathroom, and that's all I have to complain about, really.