He Said She Said - A scary moment

They were catching up on episodes of the first season of Drop Dead Diva.
She was watching intently.
He was half watching - creating a new presentation on his laptop.
The heroine, Jane, had just taken her coffee and morning donut from her secretary and walked into her office, taking a massive bite from the donut. Jane turned to see her colleague/love interest (it's complicated) asking her a question. Jane panicked, and threw the rest of the donut into her bag.
"AAAAAAARGH!" she screamed, making him jump ten feet in the air.
"What? What?" he asked, panicked.
"She... she put a sticky donut in her bag!"
He looked up at the TV, assessing the situation.
"It's OK, honey," he said, patting her arm. "It's a stunt donut."
She looked at him, dragging her horrified gaze from the screen.
"Yes," he said, on a roll now, "it was a stunt donut and a stunt bag. A cheap knock off. Everything is OH-KAY. Take a deep breath. No Vuitton was harmed in the making of this program."
She sighed, turned back to the TV, and all was well with the world again.
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