Hell is other people - Take it out back

Yesterday I was at the video store. I only had five minutes to run in and choose something because my friend was in the car and she needed the bathroom. These are the realities of life, and I sympathized with her.
So it's Two For One night - a free old movie if you get a new one. So I am hunting in the Drama aisle for Merry Christmas Mr Lawrence and I hear a commotion up front.
At first I think it is whatever movie they have playing on the TV perched precariously above the door, but then I see that it's two sales people behind the counter, arguing.
I know the woman - I've seen her there many times - but the guy seems new.
They are bickering like two kids in the back of the car on a long road trip, where neither of them wants to let the other one have the last word.
I didn't hear all of it, but here's what I did catch:
Woman: "...tired, OK? If you had a baby, even as a man, you'd be fucking tired."
Man [in a high voice]: "Oh little Miss know everything. She knows everything about every movie!"
Man turns to poor customer who has been waiting at the counter while all this has been going on...
Man: "What is your account number?"
Customer: "Uh... uh... I can't remember."
And who can blame him? I would've forgotten my name in that situation, it was so fucking awkward.
So it comes to my turn and I ask where I can find Merry Christmas Mr Lawrence because I looked in the Drama section and it wasn't there.
So the Woman looks it up on the computer and goes:
"Oh, it's under Japan."
and she takes me over to the right section.
"Oh," she says. "We only have it on video. Do you still have a VHS?"
"Uh... NO."
Wow, what year is this? Her turn to feel awkward, I guess.
Still, I feel sorry for her because, even though I don't like rugrats and never plan to have one, if she really has just had a baby then it makes sense that she'd be tired. Or maybe they were talking about a character in a movie. But then she'd be right, the character would be tired. So, based on the small part of the argument that I heard, I decide that she is the victim here, and I decide to lighten things up for her.
So we go back to the counter and she rings up the DVDs I've chosen.
"We still owe you Crank 2," I tell her. "We'll bring it back tomorrow. By the way, that movie is a massive, smelly, steaming pile of shit, and you shouldn't lend it out to anyone else... ever!"
At least I made her laugh.
Still, even though I felt for her, they shouldn't have made a scene like that in the store.
Not exactly what you'd call customer service.
Hell is other people.
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