Diary of an Ex-Employee - Day 62.1

Isn't it great when a day turns around?
You start the morning with a tired feeling, bad news and that awful fear that can feel like a vice grip around the heart, but then you decide to do just one thing.
Just one thing.
And so off I went to yoga.
I am not into tree hugging hippie crap in general, but there is something about yoga. It may be a spiritual thing. It may be the connection between mind and body. It may be a simple as you putting your body into unnatural, new positions which then frees your mind to see thing from another perspective. Hell, it may even be magic.
Whatever it is... it works for me. I came out of a class feeling more balanced, calmer and ready to tackle the things I have to take on today.
There was an ever so slight dip at the coffee shop - to be described in more detail in the next post - but then I got my coffee fix and all was well with the world again.
And then I had a radio moment in the car. You know the ones I mean. Just the right song comes on the radio at just the right time. And they are speaking to you, Man.
This time it was Howard Jones and "Life in One Day"
The old man said to me
Said don't always take life so seriously
Play the flute
And dance
and sing your song
Try and enjoy the here and now
The future will take care of itself somehow
The grass is never greener over there
Time will wear away the stone
Gets the hereditary bone
Don't try to live your life in one day
Don't go speed your time away
Don't try to live your life in one day
Don't go speed your time away
I choose not to try to interpret the "hereditary bone" bit.
Anyway, the point is, life feels OK again.
And now I'm going to apply for a cool looking job I found advertised yesterday.
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