This changed my life - Sex and the City

Sex and the City changed my life.
First, being someone living in a foreign city far away from home, Sex and the City showed me that your friends can be your family.
Second, it showed us that, as women, we were allowed to be out there having cocktails, fun and sex and be choosy about men. We didn't have to be like our mothers, and "settle".
Third, it showed us that the didn't have to have everything figured out. This is best summed up by Melissa Grego, from Television Week, being interviewed on "The 100 Greatest TV Characters."
The thing about Carrie Bradshaw is that she is a cultural game changer. At her age, most people have their life figured out. They're a wife, mother, maybe a working mother or they've decided to be single. She's sorta still figuring out who she is and what she wants. Is she defined by her work? Is she defined by a man? Is she defined by her friends? Is she defined by where she lives or what she wears?
And finally, a quote which shows how this amazingly written, acted and produced show could shake up a young woman of my generation, and make her question everything she'd been taught growing up...
Carrie: "Did you ever think that maybe we're the White Knights? And we're the ones that have to save ourselves?"
Charlotte: "That is so depressing."
Carrie: "Is it?"
Reader Comments (3)
I watched every single episode when it was on HBO, loving every minute of the show. Now that my daughter is grown, she has seen all the episodes too and called to tell me that she finally figured out what I was howling over in the den for all those years. Oooops! I think it may have warped her perception of dating & marriage. Or not.
I think there can be NO BETTER education for your daughter! I only wish I'd seen Sex and the City when I was a teenager... but I bet my father would have forbidden me from seeing it!
A quote about Sex And The City that rang true for me was when it was referenced in The Simpsons as 'Nookie In New York'. Marge has left Homer and is living with her twin sisters, who always watch the show from their spinster sofa in Springfield...
"What's this show about?" Asks Marge
"It's about 4 women who act like gay men in Cosmopolitan New York" says Selma
"It mirrors our lives" says Patty
"We never miss it" chimes Selma.
Whatever it did for you ladies, the first few series of the show definitely rings true as a representation of how to cut it on the London gay dating scene.