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Hell is other people - Poor Mr Jackson


Who would have thought that a kid on your block practising the trombone at full volume every day for the last two weeks could get worse?


Well, it can.


Because now the kid is on vacation and has his friends round.  And they - too young, you would think, to care - seem to believe they should pay homage to Michael Jackson, after his untimely death, by tunelessly warbling his songs to a karaoke machine.


Worse still, they think they can riff and harmonize.


You are not alone... (YOUNOTALONE!)

For I am here with you... (IHEREWITHYOU!)

Though we're far apart...

You're always in my heart...


Poor Michael must be rolling in his grave.


As for me, I am being driven to a glass of wine.


Hell is other people.


Reader Comments (1)

Sounds like you have grounds for an ASBO.

July 3, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterGareth

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