Diary of an Ex-Employee - Day 69.0

I have always liked the French word "malaise". Irrespective of the dictionary defintion/translation, to me, the word has always meant something between "Disease" and "Ill at ease."
And that's really how I've been feeling this last week.
Before the 4th of July holiday, it felt like there was momentum, movement, progress. Interviews - even a tentative job offer.
Now it feels like everything has ground to a halt.
Of course that isn't really true - I have an interview this week - but my energy level is lower, networking seems to be drying up and I am resorting to online job board applications... and we all know how effective that is.
So what to do to shake out of the funk?
Going to the gym at 11 - that should help.
I should go to yoga - starts in 15 mins, I could make it if I hurried - but I am stuck to the couch.
OK, OK, I'll go!
Ittybittycrazy has left the building
Well, as per usual, yoga has done the trick.
I prayed, at the start, for energy and forward momentum. And I got it.
It crystallized for me in the moment when we did Crow Pose. It's a pretty scary pose to get into.
"Don't think about going down," said the instructor, "think about moving forward."
And so I did. I got my head onto the block in front of me, balanced on my arms and, for a just a few seconds, got my head off the supporting block and felt "right" in the pose.
I have never got even close to that before with this pose.
So now it's back home, preparing for tomorrow's phone interview. I've pulled out my Interview folder, full of answers I prepared two years ago to questions like "Tell me about yourself" and "If you could start your career from the beginning, what would you change?"
Also need to sit a while with my PMP Project Management manual, so the terms fly off my tongue like Jack Nicholson throwing up cherry pips in The Witches of Eastwick.
Wish me luck!
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