Hello from Puppy Dog - Hide and seek

Hello friends!
Mama and Dada are playing a new game with me!
It's called Hide and Seek.
Mama makes me sit on my cushion, then shows me my toy. Then Mama says "Hide and seek! Hide and seek!"
And then Mama makes me stay there while she runs into different rooms of the house. I can hear her running on the wooden floor... Doof! Doof! Doof!... so I know which rooms she runs into.
Then Mama comes back to me and shows me her hands and tells me the toy is gone! Then she says I can leave my cushion and I have to run around the house and find my toy!
It's such fun!!!
I always find my toy and Mama tells me what a good boy I am!
Then Dada did it! Mama kept giggling because Dada was skipping around the house with his hands behind his back. He kept his back away from me so he was backing into rooms. He looked very silly and I was giggling!
Dada was pretty good at the game, though! It took me a few minutes to find my toy that time!
I love this new game!
Again! I told Mama. Let's play again!
We played lots of times and I got better and better. Mama doesn't seem to realize that I can tell which room she pauses in so I know my toy is in there!
We played a few more times but then Mama said something about being tired and that being "her exercise for the day."
Hairless apes are so lazy!
Anyway, it was fun while it lasted. Maybe we'll play again tomorrow!
Lots of licks and woofs,
Puppy Dog
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