He Said She Said - The Fashion Police

They were driving through downtown.
"I have to talk to that girl on the sidewalk," she said as they were stopped at a red traffic light."Why? Do you know her?" he said."No, but she's wearing a yellow mini skirt, fluorescent pink leggings and gold trainers. Someone has to tell her how wrong that is. She has to be stopped - immediately."Pause."Why can't I wind down the window?" she asked, pressing the little button frantically."I've locked them," he said."But I have to tell her!" she screeched."No, you don't," he said, pulling away when the light turned green.
The journey continued. It was a sunny Friday afternoon. People were leaving work, happy to start their weekends. Traffic was horrific.
"Pull over and stop the car!" she yelled.He sighed."Why?" he asked."I have to run back a block!""Why?" he asked."There is a woman with fat thighs wearing shorts and gold gladiator sandals up to her mid calf!""I cant pull over in this traffic, Honey," he said, placating."Please stop! I have to smack her!""Honey, this is America. You'll get sued.""But she came out in public! She made me see that! My eyes! My eyes!""Honey, we're nearly there. You can have a glass of wine with your friends and talk Fashion Police, OK?""OK," she said.
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