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He Said She Said - Let there be light

"Honey," she called from the kitchen, "I HATE these lightbulbs!"
"What's wrong?" he asked, walking towards her from the lounge.
"They're TOO DIM!" she said
"They are?"
"Yes!  I can't see anything in here!"
"They're special energy saving lightbulbs," he said.  "Sometimes they have to warm up."
"They've been on fifteen minutes!"
"Hmmmmm," he said.
"Look at this, it's like being in a cave!"
"But honey, they are green and look after the earth and save us money.  They're LOW ENERGY lightbulbs!"
"I KNOW!" she screeched.  "They're the SLOTH OF LIGHTBULBS!"
To read more in this series, click here.

Reader Comments (2)

Please reunify the puppy dog!

June 22, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterEverywhereventually

Nope. He deserves his own fame.

June 22, 2009 | Registered CommenterIttybittycrazy

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