Bucket List - My fifteen seconds of fame

The Bucket List is a list of things I want to do/feel I should do before I die. I've done some of them already, and I'm telling one of those stories here. To see the whole list, click here.
Years ago, I got tickets to be in the audience of a comedy talk show. We sat about half way up the studio audience seats, and I was near the aisle.
There was a warm up lady, whose jokes proved she'd never have her own show, who got us in the mood and gave us instructions on what to do. My favorite bit of her advice was when she told us to laugh at the guests' jokes even if they weren't funny, to make them feel comfortable.
Anyway, we practiced clapping and whooping and laughing, because God forbid anything be remotely genuine on TV.
Then the show started and it actually was very funny. I laughed so hard I misted my glasses up.
I saw a cameraman come towards me, but he had his camera at waist height and I thought he was focusing on the woman in front me, because her chest was like two Labrador puppies in a sack.
The show paused for the host to chill and get a drink and the warm up lady came out to tell us all what a good little audience we were being.
"You are all great!" she screeched. "Except for that woman over there who cleaned her glasses!"
I'm not kidding.
She pointed right at me and everyone turned to look. Fluffy Bear and our friends were paralytic with laughter and my dear husband refused to let me hide behind him.
Never mind, I thought. They'll just cut that bit out and use another generic audience shot.
But no.
We got home that night and there I was, in the middle of the frame, everyone around me laughing and clapping while I dared to do something different - polish my specs like a total dork.
But I've been on TV... that counts for something, right?
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