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He said She said





"What do you see?" she said, holding up the packaging from a USB humping dog bought for them by the ever-hilarious Bill.
" 'USB meets love'," he said, quoting the packaging strapline.
"No, what else?" she said.
"Green fields and funny flowers," he said, describing the stylized design.
"No, what else?" she said.
There was a pause.
"BOOBIES!" he yelled, finally noticing that the pink hills at the top of the stylized field of flowers happened to have darker pink protruding mountaintops.
"When I asked N, a friend of ours who happens to be over 10 years younger than us, he saw them right away!" she shrieked.
"No fair!" he said.  "I was looking from the bottom up!"
"Yeah," she said, "right."


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