Divided by a Common Language - United by a Common Laziness

I felt better yesterday - like my cold was healing - so I did stuff. It was a classic mistake - getting active before you've actually healed. We all go back to work just that one day too early, right?
And so today I feel as if a fallen angel with a scat fetish has taken a big dump on my soul.
Leave it to Fluffy Bear to cheer me up. He told me that foreign guests in quarantined with Swine Flu - sorry, "A(H1N1) virus" - in the hotel in Hong Kong got gifts from their respective consulates.
Because there was a guy who had a birthday, the French consulate sent Champagne, wine, food and even a French caterer to dish up something every day rather than have their citizens suffer the meals provided by the Hong Kong government Health Department.
By contrast:
Other consulates have not had the budget to match France's treatment of its 14 nationals.
Dale Kreisher, a spokesman for the US consulate, said it had provided magazines and playing cards to the nine US citizens being held in quarantine.
The consulate was taking cash donations from staff so it could provide some "comfort foods" for those trapped.
A spokesman for the British Consul-General said they had provided fruit, magazines and books donated by consular staff to the 26 British nationals held in the hotel.
Yeap, you gotta hand it to the French. They know the value of quality of life.
Vive La France!
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