Diary of an Ex-Employee - Day 7.0

Somewhere in my lymph glands the right weapon to attack this particular virus was found and Operation Kill Cold was launched. No doubt the battles were fierce and bloody - I don't know for sure, I was asleep. But the green splooge that is being hacked up means that the war is won!
It's a sign.
Time to quit whining.
Time to be pro-ACTIVE!
[Insert fanfare here]
The future career search will be divided into two workstreams:
- It's the Economy Stupid!
- Climb Every Mountain
The first is about getting that next job immediately. Get the paycheck, make sure the job is bearable, that's about it.
The second is about taking some time to think about what I really want, what my ideal job would be and how I might make it happen.
The end result will probably be something that sits somewhere in the middle of those two - a job I get reasonably quickly that I pretty much like.
And so it's time to mindmap the personal network, research the organizations, start brushing up the resume.
I didn't tell you before but I actually had an interview a few days after I got canned, which was fantastic. I felt great being immediately put forward for a role by a colleague, I enjoyed meeting the managers at the other firm, and it was nice to be reminded that there is a whole world out there ripe for exploration.
The role didn't pan out but that wasn't because of me - it's because the hiring firm chose someone put forward by another vendor. I've still met those guys and had some interview practice and it's all good.
I have also decided that having this vile cold is a great opportunity to detox from nicotine.
Goddamn - when did I become so annoyingly positive?
Maybe I need me some Despondex.
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