Health is Wealth - Eggs Akimbo

Went to see Softly Concerned, our Nutritionist, this week. Because my allergy test showed I am "Highly Reactive" to eggs, I have to do an exercise to see how they affect me.
First, I had to not eat any eggs for two weeks. Next, I have to reintroduce them and record the results.
Step 1: Egg whites
When she told me this I had no idea how I'd eat just egg whites without making merigues. Luckily, I managed not to verbalize that thought - I don't think it would have impressed her.
"Try an egg white omelette," she suggested.
I refrained from saying that I didn't see myself as a Hollywood Princess who orders off the menu. What I did say was that I'd seen them referred to on TV, and always thought they sounded disgusting.
"Actually," she said, "they aren't bad."
So I made myself one for lunch today and put mushrooms and onions and cheese in it. And - horror of horrors! - it wasn't that bad.
Step 2: Egg yolks.
I have to boil and egg and eat the yolk. I'll make sure I have lots of water close at hand. Egg yolk by itself doesn't exactly slip down easy.
Step 3: The whole egg
I can't wait for this one. Ah.... to eat an egg again. To fry it, sunny side up, a little crispy on the edges, the yolk soft, the white cooked but not hard... Slice of toast buttered while still hot so the margarine melts into it...
Food porn.
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