Hello from Puppy Dog - Skinny Stranger

Hello Mama's friends!
Today, Mama took me to Doggy Day Care. I knew where we were going because I recognized the roads and I was so excited!
I love Doggy Day Care!
I meet all my friends and we bark and jump and run and play all day!
I love Doggy Day Care!
Going there is my special time, just for me. I don't have to not bark at the Postman. I don't have to not jump on people who come in the front door. I don't have to not put my nose in the trash can. It's my Fun Time!
I love Doggy Day Care!
Then I come home and I am really tired so Mama and Dada say that they have peace so it's a win-win for everybody!
So we all love Doggy Day Care!
But today, in the car, Mama kept saying that it was "my first day of school". I didn't know what she was talking about till later. In the middle of my Fun Time, some Skinny Stranger came and took me to a special room. At first I was worried that he had something to do with the Vet and I might get something stuck up my butt again, so I was a bit scared. But then he started training me!
I tried to explain to him that (a) this was my Fun Time, (b) I had already been trained and (c) this was my Fun Time!!!!
But he just kept going.
So I told The Skinny Stranger all about the classes Mama and Dada took me to with the horrid lady and her double-castrated dog. I explained how I can already sit after I am told for the fifth time, I can already stay for at least 20 seconds after Mama holds her hand up in front of my face and that I can already heel for 15 whole seconds after I've been given the command! What else do I need?
I mean - come on! - there are college graduates who know less than that these days.
But The Skinny Stranger wasn't listening.
He had a "Training Plan" and report card and a check from Mama and he would not give in.
So I did his stupid class and - finally! - he let me go back to my friends.
They couldn't believe it when I told them about The Skinny Stranger and the special room. But then Coco admitted that he had been taken to the special room too, and Lulu said her mommy had spent a long time talking to the The Skinny Stranger last week.
We discussed organizing a sit in or some other kind of rebellion, but then someone threw a ball and we forgot all about it.
Lots of licks and woofs,
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