Hello from Puppy Dog - I love walks!

Hello Mama's friends!
Today Mama and Dada took me for a really cool walk!
I got to run in the mud! It was squelchy!
I got to pee on trees and bushes and mark them as mine!
I got to chase some duckies! They flew off... they don't play fair. Dirty duckies!
I got to jump into the water! There were all these bits floating on the top. Mama kept shrieking about scuzz and pond scum but I just thought it smelled really interesting!
I got to drink from some tasty puddles. Mama kept shrieking about ickiness, but I think it's yummy!
Mama shrieks a lot.
Well... she shrieked at first, but after 40 minutes of walking she wasn't saying anything much at all. Mama needs to work on her fitness.
I am very fit. I can jump and run and sniff and walk for hours!
We walked past some boats, through some grassy places, past some houses.
Mama and Dada always talk a lot when we walk past houses. They go on and on about the paint and the color and the decks and the yards and the position vs. the sunshine and the windows and the fences and then one of them always says "We could never afford this area anyway," and they both get quiet for a while. That's when I perk up because they're concentrating on me again.
Then I can nudge Mama's hand and she can remember to give me one of the treats in her pocket. Yummy!
We walked along the road and then back into the park again. There was another dog and we got to sniff each other's butts and jump around and play! Our leashes got all twisted but we still had a great time! I love making new friends!
Walks are fun!
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