Hello from Puppy Dog - Mama is no fun!

Hello Mama's friends!
Mama has been sooooo boring this week!
She has been sitting on the couch in her jimmy jammies, coughing, sniffing and complaining. She has hardly played with me at all.
This morning she threw the ball a few times for me but she wouldn't play tug of war when I brought it back! She just expected me to drop it in her lap so she could throw it again!
I mean, come on, I'm not that stupid!
She has to stick her hand in my mouth around the ball and work for it! I have to growl and step back and slide my front paws on the wooden floor and she has to twist her hand so my head has to turn and we have to tug tug tug of war. That's how this game works!
But she just wasn't listening.
Hairless Apes can be really annoying sometimes. We dogs tolerate their thinking they are our Masters so we can live an easy life but - really! - sometimes their stupidity amazes me. Everyone knows that the game is called Fetch-Tug not just Fetch.
Mama better take some more of those pills cos right now she is no fun, no fun at all.
Lots of licks and woofs,
Puppy Dog
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