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That's Life - Not your average student

A year or so ago I was volunteering at a charity event. There were a bunch of college students there, and we introduced ourselves.

I said I was new to the city, and one of the students asked me how I liked it. I said I did, and that it seemed to have great restaurants.

He agreed with me, saying he was "a bit of a foodie".

"So tell me where I should eat!" I said.

"Well, what kind of cuisine do you like?" he asked.

"Oh, I don't know..." I blathered. "How about French?"

"Over $100 or under $100?" he asked.

I was a bit taken aback. What kind of college student is asking me, someone over a decade older than him, about my price range?

Thinking back, maybe his family was loaded and I should have asked him to take me to dinner.

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