Hello from Puppy Dog - Soooooperdaaaaawg

Hello Friends!
Mama tells me that I am a Superdawg like Bolt because I have superpowers!
- My extra sensory ears can hear Mama opening my food tin from any room in the house.
- My bionic tongue can find nanocrumbs on the kitchen floor, on her clothes, on the coffee table.
- My super sense of smell can find a three month old chocolate wrapper that Dada found in an old jacket and threw in the trashcan so that I can dig it out even if I have to strew all the trash on top of it all over his office.
- My bionic legs can bounce me up in a direct vertical bound if Mama holds a piece of chicken in the air.
- My wondrous wagging tail can knock a wine glass off the coffee table in one stupendous swoop.
- My eagle eyes can see an evil squirrel two blocks away so I leap after it, yanking Dada's arm off before he has any idea what's happening.
Yes! I'm special.
Lots of licks and woofs,
Puppy Dog
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