9 to 5 - Excuses, excuses

Excuses for not doing anything productive when working from home:
- I can stay in bed a bit longer. After all, this is normally time I'd be in the car anyway
- I am home, I should take the opportunity to have a decent breakfast. Sets you up for the day, you know
- I don't want to become a home worker in my robe and slippers like on Dilbert. I better shower and do my hair
- I should just spend a few minutes quality time playing with my Puppy Dog.
- Hey, I'll just load up the dishwasher and put some clothes in the washing machine - it'll only take five minutes and then they can be washing while I work
- I can't work at this dining room table. Too distracting. I better get rid of all this crap
- I think I'd like a cup of tea
- OMIGOD it's 10:30 and I haven't done any work!!! How the hell did I distract myself this long? Oh well first I.... hey, you know what? I should put this on my blog.
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