Hello from Puppy Dog - Mama can be strange, sometimes

Hello Friends!
My Mama can be a little bit strange sometimes.
Like when she sings to me. She sings silly made up songs about how Papa is on a plane and coming home safely to us, or about how I'm going to Doggie Day Care tomorrow and she's going to have a very peaceful evening cos I'll be so tired. She isn't exactly Celine Dion or Whitney Houston but, while she sings, she scratches behind my ears or rubs my back, so I go with it. But it is kinda strange...
My Mama was also strange the other day with the car. First Mama drove it to a strange place where there were all these men. The made me get out with my special cushion and we waited while the men rubbed and sprayed the car. Then we got back in and it all smelled different. My cushion was still ok, but the car didn't smell like my moving den anymore. I only sit in the back so I couldn't really investigate what was going on. But I was patient, until I had my chance. Mama and I had been for a long walk in the park and she opened the back door to get my paw wipes. I jumped in to try to find out what those men had done. Mama yelped and yelped at me. What's wrong with a little detective work? I am sure there's Bloodhound in my ancestry somewhere. They make very good P.I.s. So why did Mama yelp? Very strange....
So after we got into the car after the walk, I decided that I would make my moving den smell good again. Which means, of course, smell like me. So I thought I'd paw at my cushion and ball it up and give it a good hump. We were driving in traffic and Mama was mumbling something about what the lady driving behind us must think. What difference does it make what she thinks? This is perfectly natural behavior! Mama is so weird.
Lots of licks and woofs,
Puppy Dog
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