Being a Doggy Mama - Puppy Dog is sick

Puppy Dog is sick, and I don't know what to do.
I brought him home from Doggy Day Care (you may laugh, but once a week he goes somewhere and runs around for 8 hours and then is complete peaceful bliss that night) and they told me he threw up.
I gave him a dog biscuit in the car and he threw it up.
I had to go and get tortured for an hour by Silent Evil, my personal trainer, so I had to leave him alone.
And when I got home there was vomit next to his bed and by the back door - he's a considerate puppy - he tried to go outside to do it.
Now he wont eat or drink any water.
And the internet really doesn't help in these situations. You start to read some guidance about what to do when your dog vomits and it all seems really helpful and nice until you get to the part where they say "vomiting could also be a sign of a more serious condition".... and then you're fucked if you read any further.
So now I am sitting here wondering which of these will lead to his imminent death:
- Stomach cancer
- Obstruction in the intestine (which is killing the tissue around it)
- Worms
- Parasites
- Poisoning
- Infectious disease
- Hepatitis (leading to liver inflammation)
- Kidney failure
- Pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas)
- Inflammatory bowel disease
- Intestinal cancer
- Hiatal hernia (part stomach herniating through the diaphragm)
- Hormonal deficiency
- Gastritis
- Stomach ulcer
- Infection of the uterus
OK we can rule out that last one - Puppy Dog is a boy.
Did I tempt fate by imagining a Death Poem for Puppy Dog?
Am I being punished?
Should I return to my Catholic roots and pray?
Will God even remember me?
If God remembers me, will he listen?
After all, I said some pretty shitty things to Him back in high school before I started ignoring Him altogether. And I was really mean to his envoy, our priest, behind his back. And I sat at the back of the church and didn't listen or sing. And I only went up to get communion for the gulp of wine...
Maybe I should pray, anyway.
Or maybe I should wait till I see the vet tomorrow morning.
It's gonna be a long night.
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