Hello from Puppy Dog: Bad Daddy

Hello Again!
Lots of news from me today!
My Daddy sometimes tells a story (usually when there are other Hairless Apes over for dinner and they have had a lot of wine) about when he was a baby.
His Mommy went shopping and walked to the shop - they do that in England (Daddy even says they don't really drive SUVs! weird!). Anyway, I'm getting distracted.
So my Daddy's Mommy (I guess I can call her my Granny) took him to the shop in the pram and she left him outside while she went in to buy a few things. They did that kind of thing in those days.
Granny paid for her stuff, got her two bags - one in each hand - and walked home... without my Daddy!
My Daddy says he remembers people talking to him when he was in the pram.
His Mommy got home and unpacked the shopping and had that nagging feeling that she'd forgotten something. She ran back to the shop and Daddy was still in his pram, absolutely fine.
My Daddy says he teases his Mommy about forgetting him.
But now my Mommy says he can't do that anymore.
That's because of what happened today.
Daddy and Mommy were both working from home so we went for a nice walk through the park and then to the coffee shop. They tied me up outside like they always do and went in to what Mommy calls "her daily fix". They were chatting as they came out and I noticed that Mommy came over to me but Daddy walked the other way.
I saw him walk away from us, then stop at the end of the block because red hand on the traffic light was telling him he couldn't walk, and then he looked around for Mommy, looked confused and then turned around and saw us both.
My Daddy had forgotten about me and was walking home without me!!!!
I got my revenge.
When he came over to unhook me from where I was tied up I jumped away and started running up the street and he had to chase me and he spilled his coffee.
And while he was out at a meeting this afternoon and Mommy went to the office, I emptied out the trash can in his office to get at a cookie wrapper in the bottom.
Yeah, Daddy! So there!
Gonna forget me now? Huh? Huh? Gonna forget me now?
Lots of licks and woofs,
Puppy Dog.
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