9 to 5 - Week 1

Well, I survived week 1 at my new job!
It's weird to be working again, to be getting up early in the morning, to be blow-drying my hair rather than scraping it into a ratty ponytail or hiding it under a baseball cap.
It's weird to be sorting through my work clothes, my stockings, shoes with heels.
It's weird to go out in the morning with other commuters, cups of coffee in hand, waiting for the bus.
It's also fucking cold, so I made Fluffy Bear drive me to work more than once!
I have a cube, of course, that's pretty standard - boring. Not sure how to decorate yet. I suppose a pic of me and FBear is expected. I wonder how many pics of the dogs would be cute vs. making me look like a crazy old bat...
Everyone on my team seems really nice - and that's what makes the difference in whether or not you enjoy your job on a day to day basis, right? I've had time to talk to everyone about what they do, and the pieces are slowly coming together in my haven't-worked-for-6-months, working-in-slow-motion brain to form a clear picture.
I've had headaches towards the end of every day, and I've figured out why. No, it's not that my brain is too full - although I did think that at first! I get very dehydrated. I need to take the time to drink a LOT more water.
It's the canned air. Or maybe it's just being over 40, drying out, getting wrinkled and crusty, like an autumn leaf.
On second thought... No - fuck that - it's the canned air.
I was taken on a tour of our buildings, and it was fascinating to see all the different departments. Marketing have a fun space, of course, with collateral from past years all over the walls. They even get patterns of color in their carpet!
Other buildings have much better cafeterias than ours but, seeing as my life is currently ruled by the iPhone calorie counter, maybe taking my own leftovers into the office in a tupperware is for the best.
People in general are very warm and welcoming. They smile and say hello in the corridors, people stop by when they see my cube is now occupied to introduce themselves, the women chat with you in the restroom. People seem to be happy.
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