Puppy Talk - Bed time

Puppy Girl: Mama? Mama? Please can I get up on your bed?
Puppy Dog: It's bed time. They aren't going to let you get up there. Just go to your bed.
Puppy Girl: Shut up! They'll let me up! They let me up 'cos I'm cute and small and a puppy. Dada? Dada? Please can I come up?
Puppy Dog: You're wasting your time.
Puppy Girl: Shut up! Just leave... me... alone! Mama? Dada? I'm over he-eeeere! Please lift me up!
Puppy Dog: There isn't enough room for you up there now, anyway. You've got too big. Just go to your bed.
Puppy Girl: Shut up! I'm ignoring you! Mama? Dada? Please? Please?
Puppy Dog: OK, first, if you tell me you're ignoring me, you're not ignoring me. Second, it's late and I'm tired. Just be quiet and go to bed.
Puppy Girl: SHUT UP! Mama? Mama? Dada? Dada?
Puppy Dog: Oh my Dog, I really miss the crate.
Puppy Girl: Shuddup, shuddup, shuddup, shuddup! Shut. Up. I'm a big girl, I don't need a crate! Mama? Please? Dada? Please?
Puppy Dog: I thought you were a cute puppy?
Puppy Girl: Shuddup! MAMA! DADA! PLEASE! PLEASE! They're ignoring me.
Puppy Dog: Told you so. (Sigh.) If you're a big girl, you should go to your big girl bed.
Puppy Girl: Um... Oh, OK...
Puppy Dog: Oh, thank Dog.
Puppy Girl: I actually quite like my bed. (Yawn.)
Puppy Dog: Good night.
Puppy Girl: I hate... zzzzzzz.....
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