Hello from Puppy Dog - Big Boy

Hello Friends!
I had to be a big boy today.
I could tell that Mama was in a bad mood, because she was cleaning.
Whenever Mama de-scents our den, she stomps around and mutters to herself. I don't always hear what she says, but the bits I have heard seem to be about someone called "Lazy Bastard."
Whenever Mama gets like this I go and sit on the mat at the front door. It's my Safe Zone.
But Puppy Girl just doesn't get it. I told her to play nicely with some of the toys lying around, or go into her crate, but she ignored me.
So Mama is stomping and wiping and spraying and Puppy Girl starts barking and whining at that new gate thingy we have at the dining room door. So Mama lets her through to hang out while she cleans, and Puppy Girl goes into the room where Mama and Dada keep their furs, and steals some of Dada's socks!
Mama was not happy. She yelled at Puppy Girl and I know that she felt bad afterwards because she sighed, told Puppy Girl to sit and gave her a reassuring scratch behind the ears.
Then Mama came to see me - because we hadn't even had a chance to say good morning to each other. But when she tried to pet me, Puppy Girl kept biting my tail or my back leg.
When Mama told her not to, she barked defiantly!
I could feel Mama getting mad again so I decided to be a big boy and step in.
I went and got a toy and asked Puppy Girl to come and play with me.
Mama said I was a very good boy and scratched my back while I played tug with the baby.
You know, now that we have a baby in the house, I have to be a big boy all the time. I have to show her she's bottom of the pack (actually, pinning her is quite fun), I have to teach her about where to potty, and which things she can chew and she can't.
I think I'm doing a pretty good job, actually.
Lots of licks and woofs,
Big Boy Puppy Dog.
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