9 to 5 - Dry run

6:00 am - Wake up, reluctantly.
6:01 am - Reassure Fluffy Bear, who woke up with a yell because we haven't had any alarms on for the last 6 months
6:05 am - Let dogs out to pee
6:10 am - Feed dogs, trying to teach crazy puppy not to eat her brother's food
6:20 am - Let dogs out to pee, stand in the cold begging Puppy Girl to poop
6:28 am - Gratefully scoop poop
6:30am - Let Puppy Dog back through to the bedroom to sleep some more. Try to get Puppy Girl to lie quietly on our bed. Fail.
6:35am - Let Puppy Girl into the living room to play, whispering Choopelah as I kick a ball across the floor. Close puppy gate. Head for the shower
6:40am - Shower while Puppy Girl stands at the puppy gate barking and crying and a grumpy Fluffy Bear yells at her to shut up from the bed... there is a flaw in this process
7:00am - Let Puppy Girl through puppy gate and put her on our bed. Blowdry hair while she looks at me, confused, tilting her head
7:10am - Pretend to do makeup
7:15am - Make smoothie for breakfast with Puppy Girl watching my every move, hoping for some food
7:25 am - Give Puppy Girl and Puppy Dog the almost empty yogurt container
7:30am - Pretend to get dressed but, in reality, get right hand chewed off by puppy while I try to wipe yogurt off her face
7:40 am - Stop pretending it's a working day, and hit the couch.
Conclusion: I can make it out of the house by 7:45ish to get to the bus to get to work on time, but we have to do something about the Puppy Girl factor.
Tomorrow will try putting her back on the bed with her dad straight after her breakfast.
Wish us luck.
Reader Comments (6)
Grrr... grumble grumble... alarm. Loud. Make Noise. Grrr...
[This post typed prior to coffee]
IBC the 9 to 5 dry run thing is a GREAT idea! As for the steps themselves, I could envision them - hysterical!
Thanks... needless to say my hair already looks like crap.
@ Fluffy Bear
I love you, grumpyguts
I so haven't been a girl since my first day in college. I could drag myself across campus in under 5 minutes for an 8 am class. Now? I can get up and out of the house in 30 minutes...before pups it was 15. Having wash and goop hair is definitely a plus here. That and my 90 second showers. I can wash everything and rinse my hair in 90 seconds. What else is there to do??
First, not ALL of use have AMAZING hair that doesn't take any styling, or have nice little dogs that aren't big enough to knock you over and know how to behave! Pfffffft!