Dear Diary - Thanksgiving

Dear Diary
In the spirit of Thanksgiving, I suppose I should think about the things that I am thankful for:
- My wonderful, master chef husband, Fluffy Bear
- My handsome Puppy Dog
- My cutie wootie Puppy Girl
- My new job!
- Any person out there who doesn't dock their dog's tail or mutilate it's ears
- Any person out there who has a pit bull as a loving, family pet
- My warm home (even though we don't own it)
- My family who keep me in their hearts, even though I am far away
- My friends nearby, my surrogate family
- My friends afar, who keep in touch
- Nordstrom, where I can go to experience real customer service at any time
- My blog, where I can express myself
- My therapist, who helps me see the connections and lessons in my life
- Anyone who fights for gay, women's, or race rights
- Anyone who works or volunteers for a charitable cause
- Nelson Mandela and FW De Klerk, for transitioning my home country without bloodshed
- The Queen, for consistently giving us an example of dignity
- Cable TV, for entertaining me
- Books, for transporting my imagination
- Anyone who knows how to drive round a roundabout properly
- Anyone who has a hands-free cellphone kit in their car instead of holding their fucking phone to their ear and driving with one hand
- My fellow bloggers and twitpeeps
- Anyone who serves in the military, doing our dirty work for us
- Military families, who sacrifice so much
- Anyone who works in one of those jobs that's badly paid, not respected enough, yet vital to us all: Police, Firemen and women, Ambulance people, Nurses, Doctors and Psychiatrists who do public or charitable work
- My parents, who watch over me from above.
Reader Comments (2)
That's quite a wonderful list! :-) I think I detected the hint of a rant there towards the end ... bad driving experiences lately? LOL
Where I life, EVERY day is a bad experience...
But it's not just me.
Recently a friend came to visit who was driving cross country on her way to a new job. She has also lived in various states in the US. She said she had never seen driving as bad as in Washington state...