Puppy Talk - The Pack Heirarchy

Puppy Girl: Why does Mama say "Sh!" everytime I bark? I'm a DOG. I'm supposed to bark!
Puppy Dog: Don't exaggerate. She doesn't do it every time.
Puppy Girl: Well she does it every time I bark at her from my potty enclosure!
Puppy Dog: Exactly. There are times when it's OK to bark, and times when it isn't. That's one of the times it isn't. I mean, come on, she's standing right in front of you! You don't have to shout.
Puppy Girl: Yeah... but how else am I supposed to tell her that I want to get out? I tell her, I say: I want OUT! I want OUT!
Puppy Dog: Yeah, you don't get to shout demands at Mama. I don't think you're quite getting the pack hierarchy.
Puppy Girl: Pack what? That's a very big word...
Puppy Dog: Hierarchy. See, this is how it goes. Dada is the Alpha Dog. Mama is the Beta Bitch. I am the Gamma Guy. And you are the Delta Doggie.
Puppy Girl: What?!
Puppy Dog: Dada is first, the most important and the pack leader. Mama is second. I am third. You are last. You don't get to decide anything.
Puppy Girl: AW, COME ON!
Puppy Dog: That's how it works.
Puppy Girl: That is just, wrong. I'm the cutest one...
Puppy Dog: OK, I'm just going to pin you down, now, till you get it.
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