I'm jus' sayin' - Interview

The interview question you don't want to hear when you've been unemployed for 6 months:
"Why haven't you been snapped up already?"
I'm jus' sayin'
The interview question you don't want to hear when you've been unemployed for 6 months:
"Why haven't you been snapped up already?"
I'm jus' sayin'
Reader Comments (4)
Uhh....I was waiting for this job?....holding out, I mean. I'm totally awesome...just...hell, EVERYONE IS OUT OF WORK. Who are you to judge?!
That's what I'd say, anyway.
Dude...I'm only 30 days drug free and they wouldn't let me apply while I was still in rehab and all.
@Jessica - thats what I said!
Thanks Jessica! I did say that the company was my first choice, which is true.
I didn't say that my psychic predicted that I'd get a job that I wanted in late October so I was just hanging in there till that happened...
I didn't say anything about being on drugs (naughty Debi!)...
I didn't say that they were the first company to not do thorough background checks...
I didn't say that I had to take time off to voluntarily put myself into a facility.
There's all sorts of fun things I didnt say... Dang.