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He Said She Said - Unnecessary anxiety



"Oh my GOD!" she yelled.

"What?" he said.

"Puppy Girl's going gray!  She's gone gray overnight!" 

"Don't be silly," he said.  "She's 13 weeks old!"

"She has gray around her eyes!  Like gray eyebrows... Look!"

"She probably brushed against something," he said.

"It's around both eyes," she squealed.

"Honey, there must be a reas---"

"Oh my GOD!" she laughed!  "It's YOGHURT!"

"It's wha---"

"I gave her the empty yoghurt container to lick!  She must've shoved her whole head in there and got it on her face!"

"Well, I'm just glad you didn't panic," he said.

"Oh shut up!" she snapped.  "Hold her till I get back with some damp Bounty to wipe it off."


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