He Said She Said - IM is love

He was on a business trip. They were on IM, each on their laptop, both in bed.
"My room is tiny," he said.
"Well come home then," she said. "Our bedroom is just fine."
"LOL," he said. Then: "I had some good meetings today."
"Yeah, and some good parties," she said.
"Networking parties are boring. You know that," he said.
"Oh right. Except for the one where they flew in that girlie band," she said.
"Honey," he said. "They were gyrating on stage to an audience of geeks. Just standing there. Holding their drinks."
"They didn't even clap along?"
"You can't clap when you are holding a free drink in one hand!"
"You could put the drink down," she said.
"Honey," he said. "Scroll up. They were *free* drinks. You don't let that go."
"Wow. You geeks sure do cut loose..."
"Would you rather I cut loose?"
"Hell no!" she said. "I want you to be on the phone to me when a prostitute approaches you in Barcelona and I want to hear you say No, gracias like last year."
"That was pretty funny."
"No, it wasn't. It *would* have been funny if you had given me the phone and put it on speaker so I could tell her to fuck off in Spanish."
"Do you know how to say fuck off in Spanish?"
"No. But I am sure I could have said it in English and she would have got my meaning from the tone of my voice."
"She probably wasn't Spanish anyway. She was probably Eastern European."
"Irrelevant. I am sure every prostitute speaks Wife."
"No doubt," he said. Then: "I have to go to sleep. Early morning."
"I bet you say that to all the girls," she said.
"Ha ha. Goodnight. I love you."
"I love you too. Sleep well. XXX"
Reader Comments (1)
Hey, at least he tells you about it... I'm just saying.