We found another lost dog last weekend.
We were driving along and he ran across the road right in front of us.
Having seen a dog run over and killed a few months ago, Fluffy Bear is very sensitive to this stuff, and immediately pulled over.
I called the dog and it came to me, very friendly. It had a collar, but no tags.
We put it in the car, in the back seat because our two crazy mutts were in the back of the SUV, and headed up to the nearest vet.
I've been to this vet before and the receptionist totally put me off registering there. We still go to our old vet close to where we used to live. He's worth the drive.
The receptionist was just as rude and incompetent as when I'd first met her. She was clearly not interested in helping us, and kept scanning only one spot on the dog's back. Fluffy Bear tried to explain to her that our dogs have their chip in their shoulder, and asker her to please move the scanner around, but she just kept waving it at a spot on the top of the dog's neck, saying that there was no chip.
She was utterly useless.
We put the dog back in the car and decided to head down to the Animal Shelter.
The dog was very sweet, very well behaved and sat down quietly next to me. This was clearly someone's loving pet.
At the Animal Shelter we met a very nice English Vet Tech who helped us out. She took out her scanner, waved it and it went BEEP in less than 5 seconds. I swear to God! She found the chip right away.
She also realized that the number, being 15 digits instead of 10, meant that this was a foreign chip. Apparently America uses a different standard to the rest of the world for dog chips. No comment.
Anyway, she said she'd trace it and we left the dog in her capable hands.
Two days later, we were driving past the Animal Shelter, so we stopped in to see what had happened to the dog.
And here's the crazy thing.
The couple had come into the shelter less than an hour after we dropped off their dog, looking for it. They had just moved to town, and they are English!
So everyone involved in this story of the lost dog has a British accent!
No wonder the dog came to me when called! He was probably thinking: "Oh yes, you sound right. Unlike all the other strange hairless apes I've been around for the last two days!"
Imagine how freaked this poor dog was. He had just been on an 8 hour flight, come to a very strange place and then got completely lost.
We were so happy to hear this story had a happy ending.