The Super Bowl was last Sunday.
30 second ad spots sold for around $3 million and, in theory, helped the advertisers reach the most people a TV show has ever reached: 106 million people.
CBS, who screened the Super Bowl this year, rejected an ad from the United Church of Christ five years ago which featured a gay couple, citing that they do not allow advocacy ads.
But, in a strange volte-face, they allowed a group called Focus on the Family to air an ad showing the mother of a famous football player talking about her lovely son. It's not overt, but it's generally being seen as a pro-life commercial.
Focus on the Family's website makes it pretty clear that they have a pro-life bias:
"Our mission is to cooperate with the Holy Spirit in sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ with as many people as possible by nurturing and defending the God-ordained institution of the family and promoting biblical truths worldwide."
They offer free counselling:
"Focus on the Family has Care Specialists, Referral Assistants and Counselors who are available weekdays to talk with you, provide information and encouragement, suggest resources, give referrals and pray with you."
CBS giveth with one hand, but with the other they taketh away.
They refused to air an ad by a Gay Dating site, Mancruch, which shows two men watching the game, whose hands touch as they both reach into the chip bowl. Suddenly, they both pause, then start to kiss. Well - they aren't really kissing if you look closely, but that's not the point.
So, according to CBS, it's OK to take a religious stance, but it's OK to be homophobic.
Fucking ridiculous.
Seriously people! If you want to live in a country run by the Church, go live in the Vatican. But, out here in the real world, the Constitution offers protection under the law to ALL, and that includes homosexuals and women who want to have a choice when it comes to childbirth.
I'm jus' sayin'.
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