He Said She Said - Mini Moments
Monday, February 15, 2010 at 8:33PM
Ittybittycrazy in He said She said




Her:  "I'm Fartacus..."

Him:  "No, I'M Fartacus!"



Her:  "It's a chocolate cupcake filled with caramel cream, topped w coconut buttercream, drizzled w caramel."

Him:  "Does it come with insulin?"



 Him:  "You see the one where they diagnosed the patient wrong but they got it right at the end of the episode?"

Her:  "ARGH! Why do you watch House?"



Her:  "AARGH!:

Him:  "What?  What?"

Her:  "My garbage disposal just ate the dish washing sponge."

Him:  "Sounds like it's throwing up..."



At the hardware store:

Her:  "I'm bored."

Him:  "We've been here 10 seconds!"

Her:  "Exactly."



Watching TV:

Her:  "I gotta go pee."

Him:  "Do you want me to pause?"

Her:  "No, I don't really care about Stargate."

Five minutes later...

Her:  "What's going on?  Why did she just do that to him?"


Her:  "What?"

Him:  "You told me not to pause.  You said you didn't care."

Her:  "I don't!"

Five minutes later...

Her:  "I really don't get this..."



To see more in the He Said She Said series, click here.

Article originally appeared on Ittybittycrazy (http://www.ittybittycrazy.com/).
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