Memory Lane - Varsity Engineers
Saturday, January 30, 2010 at 5:17PM
Ittybittycrazy in Memory Lane



Ah, Varsity Engineers...

We're catching up on Greek, and a dorky Engineering student opens the door of Spitter's apartment to find Casey there.  Like Raj on on Big Bang Theory, he freezes at the sight of a pretty woman unable to speak.

This took me back to the Engineers at my University, back in South Africa.

I don't remember them being as dorky.  A lot of them had come through the Civil War in Rhodesia's conversion to Zimbabwe, had suffered the stress of a strange war, and were very, very into partying.  They were in a different country, literally footloose and fancy free.

And - boy! - could they drink.

The only thing they did better than drink was be pigs.

Disgusting, revolting pigs.

You could always spot an Engineering student - the bloodshot eyes, the stale hangover-breath, and the smelly clothes - courtesy of the same shorts, shoes and slops (thongs/flip flops) for at least a week.

The Engineers brought out a cheap-ass publication (photocopied at the Library and stapled together) every year full of dirty, sexist jokes.  Yes, it was funny, but it was also vile.

There was a woman Engineer in our res (dorm/residence) who took shit every single day of lectures.  

But there's always another side to the story.

Many of the Engineers were hot.   And their devil-may-care attitude was seductive.  

If you could find one on the day of the week that he'd actually showered, you were in for a good night of - as the slang was that year - "Shaping" with him.

So, yes, I schtuped an Engineer.

And, a few years later, I married one.  Except this one bathes.

Thank God.


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