Being a Doggy Mama - Funny Moments with Puppy Dog 2
Friday, May 8, 2009 at 4:45PM
Ittybittycrazy in Doggy Mama


Funny Moments with Puppy Dog No. 1 is here.

And here are a few more...

  1. I wake up this morning and roll over. Puppy Dog is doing the same, on his back, legs in the air, moving his butt from side to side, airing his junk and streeeetching out. Great to start the day with a laugh!

  2. Last night we got home late from seeing the new Star Trek movie and both lay on the bed with Puppy Dog between us. He had his new rubber ball in his mouth. It's bigger than a tennis ball and won't break or squish down much when he chews it, so he ends up constantly moving it around in his mouth, catching and recatching it in his jaws, while he pants through his nose. He sounds like Darth Vader.

  3. If Puppy Dog lies on the bed, like a Sphinx, and wags his tail, the end of it, which curls over like a question mark, tickles my feet.

  4. Puppy Dog doesn't just lick, he nibbles Fluffy Bear's ear. Hearing a 6ft 5, 260 pound man squeal with laughter is delightful.

  5. If you call Puppy Dog over to you, don't bend over, because he comes running and jumps up, head-butting you in the chin.

  6. Puppy Dog has a special spot - there's one on each side of his neck. There must be glands there or a pleasure centre or something because, if I scratch it, he bends his head to the side and pushes his muzzle forward, stretching his lips out. I call it "Fish Face." If I give him Fish Face, his corresponding back leg goes crazy and, if he's standing up, he collapses to the ground. If I need to calm him down, I bring out Fish Face.

  7. He knows where his balls are hidden. If we take one away from him and put it up on a shelf, he knows it's there, even days later. So there you are, walking through the house, and Puppy Dog is standing in the kitchen, staring at the top of the refrigerator because he's bored and he wants his ball and it's up there and he's waiting for you to get it down and play.

  8. Puppy Dog points. You'll be walking through the park and he smells his nemesis, Squirrel. He freezes, he lifts one leg, he shakes from head to toe. It's hilarious.

  9. Puppy Dog slips and slides on our wooden floors. Fluffy Bear is, as I type, pioneering the Soft Ball Throw from the couch. In the past, we've thrown the ball as hard as possible, so it bounces off the bedroom door or the wall and he gets to jump this way and that to follow it. The Soft Ball Throw, however, lets him catch it in the middle of the dining room, and he then goes sliding into the wall. Yes, it's kinda mean, but it's funny.

  10. The only thing meaner than the Soft Ball Throw is the Double Ball Throw. This was pioneered by a friend, Tony, who threw - you guess it - two tennis balls at the same time and watched Puppy Dog try to catch one, then the other, then subdue them one by one with some good chewing, then fit them both in his mouth before prancing back, triumphant, with his captured prey.


Ah, DOG is love.


Article originally appeared on Ittybittycrazy (
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