Health is Wealth - My thighs doth protest...
Right Thigh: You hurt as much as Ah do, Pardner?
Left Thigh: You f-ing bet Ah do, Baby.
Right Thigh: Actually, let's face it, Beeach, you don' hurt as much as Ah do, 'cos when She exercises, She always leads with Right Foot which means AH do most of the work
Left Thigh: Oh, that is such total BS! She makes sure that She evens it out! She even went Left Foot forward on two rounds of standing when She was doing those weight pull ups. She did, didn' she, Left Foot?
Left Foot: Sure did.
Right Thigh: Oh HE-ELL NO! You did not just butt into our conversation! Get up here and say that to my face! Hey, Left Knee, bend yo' ass so Ah can look Left Foot in the eye and hear what she has to say.
Left Knee: Don' bring me into this.
Brain: Oh stop it, all of you! This behaviour is ridiculous!
Right Thigh: Who the hell asked you, Smarty Pants?
Left Thigh: Yeah, butt out, Brainiac. This is none off your beeswax.
Brain: Everything is my "beeswax", as you put it. I control you all, remember?
Right Thigh: Control this, Beeach.
Brain: That is disgusting.
Left Thigh: If you so damn important, why donchoo send down summa them endolphins for us to feel better, huh?
Brain: Oh my God. I have white trash body parts. What circle of hell is this?
Right Thigh: Who you think you are? F-ing Frasier?
Left Thigh: Mmmmm-hmmm! Tell that Mutha! Goddamn, Beeach, I hurt.
Right Thigh: Mmmmmm-hmmm. Me too. Ignore that Brainiac Bastard. Let's go lie down. Hey Knees! Bend yo' asses! We need to rest!
Left Knee: Oh piss off both of you! Talk to the Hand!
Right Thigh: What da f-k she got to do with it?