Being a Doggy Mama - 10 things I never knew about dogs
Friday, February 20, 2009 at 11:18PM
Ittybittycrazy in Doggy Mama


I thought I knew dogs. My dad had a dog, my friends had dogs.... but Puppy Dog is the first dog I've actually been responsible for, and I've learnt a thing or two:

  1. Dog poop is something you can actually start to pay too damn much attention to

  2. Dogs snore

  3. Dogs sniff the butts of their humans

  4. Dogs like to come and sniff you when you are sitting on the toilet

  5. Dogs vomit. A lot

  6. Dogs have crazy energy, then sleep, then have crazy energy again

  7. Dogs do not need much variety in their diet

  8. Dogs know when you are taking them somewhere they like in the car

  9. Dogs talk to us. We just can't understand them

  10. Dog farts are the most revolting things imaginable. They bring a whole new meaning to the "silent but violent" fart category.


Article originally appeared on Ittybittycrazy (
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