That's Life - Credit card fraud
Tuesday, February 17, 2009 at 8:59PM
Ittybittycrazy in That's Life

At 23:49 on the eve of the President's Day federal holiday, some schmuck tried to buy specialist engineering software that costs over $600 with my credit card.

Luckily, the company that provides the software found it strange that someone would order two copies of software that you download, and decided to call me to make sure I'd put my order in right.

Strangely, I don't need software that has something to do with installing or designing or doing something or other with windows. Not the Microsoft kind of windows.... real windows.

My husband, Fluffy Bear, said that they probably trying to test my credit card details and my credit limit ($1200 is pretty damn good test) before heading off to Walmart or Costco or the Big Noisy Truck That Comes With Mag Wheels And Its Own Shotgun company.

I called my bank, of course, but, it being a federal holiday, there wasn't anything they could do till the following day. I am sure it's no coincidence that this happened on a day the banks are closed.

Other than call the bank, what can I do?

The Police can't help me. I reported the incident to IC3, the government online fraud site, as well as to the people that provided the email address that the Fraudulent Bastard used. Those people - a big online email provider, emailed me back today and said that the email address used is often some poor hapless goon who has nothing at all to do with the transaction and that I shouldn't bother them again unless I had a Court Order. Makes sense, if you think about it.

And so I have decided I should curse the Fraudulent Bastard.

I know nothing about voodoo or Wicca, but instinct tells me this will be a lot more effective if you all help me out. So I would be eternally grateful if you would read the curse aloud when you read this blog, so that we can all send the energy of justice through the Universe to bring the Fraudulent Bastard down once and for all.

Here we go:

Fraudulent Bastard who used ittybittycrazy's card! May your hair always frizz, whatever the weather. May your cable go out for no reason at random times. May your food taste of sand from the dryest dessert. May alcohol have no effect on you. May stranger's dogs pee on your leg. May your car break down and your tyres go flat. May your ball hairs curl up and grow inward. May your ears be damned by a high pitched ring. May your teeth go black and your tongue be always dry. May you gain weight and never see your penis again. May you prematurely ejaculate whenever aroused. May your nose hair grow and your ear hair flourish. May your butt fart audibly, with no warning, in public. May your legs buckle under you when you're carrying hot coffee. May your toothbrush be infested with vicious bacteria. May your nose always run and your lips be ever chapped. May your underwear chafe and your shoes pinch your toes. May your bowels stop their work and leave you ever constipated. May your mouth utter spontaneous obscenities when your mother in law is present. May your dog's poop be mushy, and your cat's pee smell rank. May your eyesight grow dim and your hearing grow faint. May your breath smell of death and your earwax be ever visible. May your jokes be inappropriate and your conversation boring. May everything you touch turn to shit.

Article originally appeared on Ittybittycrazy (
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