Being a Doggy Mama - Death poem
Sunday, February 15, 2009 at 9:20PM
Ittybittycrazy in Doggy Mama

I have to go to a funeral tomorrow, so I've been looking up poems.


And it got me thinking... what would be my death poem for Puppy Dog?


And no, I would never buy something like that thing in the photo. That's me being ironic.


And I am in no way trivializing the funeral I am attending tomorrow. Puppy Dog's death would be profound for me, but I would want any poem about him to have the life and nuttiness that he has.


Anyway... poem for Puppy Dog.






He sometimes was a little shit
But - oh! - I loved him so!
Accross the dog park - lickety split!
A-bounding he would go


His ears so soft, his paws so rough
His tail could tell no lie
His coat as silky as a seal's
His wet nose on my thigh


The twitching as he lay asleep
Chasing rabbits, squirrels, cats
The clicking of his little claws
How he loved the strokes and pats


His poo smelt rank, he barked too loud,
He farted, burped and snored
But I shall miss him every day
My Puppy Dog, who I adored

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