Puppy Talk - The Water Lady
Thursday, December 10, 2009 at 8:14PM
Ittybittycrazy in Puppy Talk



Puppy Dog: Good luck!

Puppy Girl: What?

Puppy Dog: I said... "Good luck."

Puppy Girl: What are you talking about?  We're going for a walk!  It's exciting!  You're just jealous 'cos Dada's only taking me today and not you.

Puppy Dog: Sure, right.  Enjoy your walk.  He he he...

Puppy Girl: OK.  I might still be a baby, but I know you know something.  Tell.

Puppy Dog: No, no, no.  You just go and have fun.

Puppy Girl: TELL ME!

Puppy Dog: I heard Dada talking into that black box he holds up to his ear.  You're going to the Water Lady.

Puppy Girl: Who?

Puppy Dog: The Water Lady.  She lives near here, but she has a very weird den.  She takes you in the back and puts you in the water and rubs on smelly stuff and then she blows air at you and then she puts a noisy thing against your claws and it tickles and then she puts a really stupid piece of hairless ape fur around your neck.

Puppy Girl: You're joking.  You're just trying to freak me out.

Puppy Dog: Nope.  

Puppy Girl: You're being so MEAN!

Puppy Dog: No, I'm not!  I'm trying to help you!

Puppy Girl: How do I get out of this?

Puppy Dog: You can't... trust me, I've tried.

Puppy Girl: Did you try running away?

Puppy Dog: Yep.

Puppy Girl: Did you try barking so loud that Dada took you back home?

Puppy Dog: Yep.

Puppy Girl: Did you try biting the water lady?

Puppy Dog: Yep.

Puppy Girl: OH.  MY.  DOG.  What can I do?

Puppy Dog: You just sit nicely till it's over.  And eat the treats she gives you.

Puppy Girl: Treats! You didn't say anything about treats!

Puppy Dog: Oh, didn't I?  I guess I forgot about that part.

Puppy Girl: No, you didn't!  You're so mean!  Anyway, if there are treats, maybe it won't be so bad.

Puppy Dog: Sure.  You tell yourself that.

Puppy Girl: I hate you!

Puppy Dog: You're my sister.  That's what you're supposed to do.  Here comes Dada with your leash, have fun!

Puppy Girl: I HATE YOU!


Article originally appeared on Ittybittycrazy (http://www.ittybittycrazy.com/).
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