For those of you outside the US, Black Friday is a day of major sales after Thanksgiving where people queue up in the early hours of the morning to be the first into the store at 4am, 5am and other times that I firmly believe do not exist and should never been seen.
"I thought you were just going to the laptop repair shop?" she said.
"Well, I was near an Office Max so I went in," he said.
"On Black Friday? Are you nuts?"
"It was 3pm! Most of the people were gone by then. And look what I got!"
"What the hell is that?"
"It's a Label Maker!" he said, excited.
"They still make those? Why the hell did you get it?"
"They were practically giving it away," he said.
"So what? We don't need it," she countered.
"But they were giving it away," he said.
"OK," she said, "let's just agree to disagree on this one."
"OK....." he said, bemused.
Later, he saw it...