Being a Doggy Mama - 10 ways puppies are like human children
Monday, November 2, 2009 at 6:45PM
Ittybittycrazy in Doggy Mama



Puppies are like babies/toddlers because...


  1. they put everything in their mouths
  2. they don't understand daylight savings time and get hungry at what would have been dinner time
  3. you buy expensive toys and they play with a stone. a piece of cardboard or an ice cube
  4. they scream when they don't want to go to sleep and you put them in bed
  5. you are constantly cleaning up poop and pee
  6. everything you try to do takes double to three times as long as it used to
  7. they wake you up in the middle of the night
  8. when they get tired, they just flop down in the closest comfortable spot
  9. they wriggle like a ferret in your arms when you are holding them and they want to be somewhere else
  10. you're busy, then you suddenly realize there's silence and you just know that means something bad is going on and you find yourself sprinting outside to find out what's happening.



And, finally...

... hugging them to your chest is the most heart-melting feeling you've ever had


Article originally appeared on Ittybittycrazy (
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